[Approved] - Ta3370 Application

Game Administrator

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Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 1:27 pm
BYOND Username: ta3370

[Approved] - Ta3370 Application

Post by ta3370 » Thu Feb 09, 2023 1:49 pm

What is your ckey(s)? (Alternates included)

What is your Discord account?
@ta3370 2406

Do you have any experience playing on other SS13 servers?
Plenty of various Bay Downstreams over the times, Startrek13, NSV13.

Do you have any previous administrative experience? (In, or out of SS13)
Administrating as a "basically admin" headmentor for Startrek13, which then morphed into Headmin for NSV13, alongside some moderation work on Beestation as part of a shared project.

Why are you interested in administrating for Daedalus?
Because a friend asked for help, and it's nice to see a server developing towards simulation and Honorcode RP again.

Do you believe that you would be a good admin? Why?
I have a few years of experience at this point, and I believe I have an understanding of what makes SS13 tick, also:

What purpose does the staff team preform for the players?
Eliminating griefers, and helping to maintain a consistent environment for people to enjoy.

Is there anything you want to change, for any reason, within the community?
I generally feel as though there's a bit of "zero downtime" syndrome with the rounds right now, so I'd probably advocate for things to be calmed down a bit so people have time to interact, relax, and actually complete storylines that pop up in rounds instead of instantly hopping over to the next situation, having to ditch the previous one incompletely.

What is your favorite memory from your time playing here?

Not everyone bwoinks forever. What reasons could you see yourself not wanting to admin anymore?
Do you think you could know when you've had enough and call it?


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Re: ta Staff Blackbagging

Post by gonenoculer5 » Thu Feb 09, 2023 4:16 pm

Mission complete return to ba- I mean what?

This was to be expected and honestly about what I wanted. Approved. (Ta was not held at gunpoint for this application, not at all, stop asking me about why I'm holding a bag.)


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