Jedi Toothpaste's Admin Application

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Jedi Toothpaste's Admin Application

Post by Jedi_Toothpaste » Sat May 13, 2023 12:36 am

What is your ckey(s)? (Alternates included)
What is your Discord account?
Jedi Toothpaste#7921

Do you have any experience playing on other SS13 servers?
I've been about since 2017, started on Apollo Station (more on this later).
After Apollo I played on most codebases but primarily baystation derivatives and bay itself for a while. So this has given me a strong sense of what good antag behaviour is, while also showing me why it can be extremely boring if done wrong.
After my time with SCP13 I played Colonial Marines and Bay almost exclusively before taking a long SS13 break after my brief time with Bad Deathclaw.
In this brief time I rarely played if ever, and my return to SS13 has been this server so it's been pretty good.

Do you have any previous administrative experience? (In, or out of SS13)
Apollo Station (laser's apollo around 2017) - Everything from trial mod up to admin running minor events and enforcing HRP, antag, and security policy where appropriate.

SCP13 station (TheLion's version) - Once more enforcing HRP on a PvE centric server, alongside handling how prisoners (D-class) should behave (this includes valid reasons for rioting and keeping them in-line according to the policy during normal gameplay).

Bad Deathclaw (brief advisory role) - Not my proudest moment but I was brought on to assist the admin team in learning the ropes. Didn't last long as I left quickly due to the state of the server.

Why are you interested in administrating for Daedalus?
To be frank, I really enjoy the server and I want to help with it more, since i'm almost inept at coding and barely able to sprite I want to contribute in a way (even if it is being a jannie).
Also, as an extension I am in the EU timezone which will allow me to stay up longer, meaning we can have tests going longer.

Do you believe that you would be a good admin? Why?
I may be a cynical dumbarse, but I generally understand the line that needs to be toe'd on player's fun and compliance with the rules. With my top priority being the player's engagement, whether this is trying to get someone back into the round who has been removed, to even answering faxes. I don't mind doing something for a player, so long as it improves the round for all players, and not at the detriment of one (unless unavoidable, i.e. assassinations, which in that case I would give the victim something, but that is neither here nor there.)

What purpose does the staff team preform for the players?
Like before, admins are here to make sure that people are playing fair to one another, not to enforce the rules explicitly (although it ties in directly to improving player experience) but to ensure the round is fun for everyone.
And on a more boring note, stopping bad actors (griffer 1238 joining the server as Johnny Johnson and RDM'ing the station)

Is there anything you want to change, for any reason, within the community?
Personally I want a consistent antag policy, which still hasn't been implemented (while I understand it is being worked on.)
Alongside this, a proper expectation of roleplay, because as it stands there is a lot of ambiguity with, "MRP-HRP", I would prefer to ditch those terms all-together to have our own real standard.
and to blow up the lizard swampgang, their time on this station will be brief and my fury eternal

What is your favorite memory from your time playing here?
The Ricky McClousky Maid incident. Oh, and the banana.

Not everyone bwoinks forever. What reasons could you see yourself not wanting to admin anymore?
Do you think you could know when you've had enough and call it?

It's happened before, typically i've only resigned when I have had a un-rectifiable disagreement with the host, or if the server goes very south.
I don't see myself having a disagreement with the management here, and I doubt Kapu will be adding ERP to really drive the server into the ground.

The most likely event for me leaving would be a change in life circumstances, while I wouldn't discount this happening, I doubt it will happen soon.

Finally, thanks for reading this lengthy application, and bearing with my terrible grammar.

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Re: Jedi Toothpaste's Admin Application

Post by gonenoculer5 » Sat May 13, 2023 12:12 pm

Overall, a very well written application. I'll agree that antag policy is something thats been a bit foot-draggy lately due to my circumstances, and its something thats been a long time coming. I've been more oriented towards finalizing space law and writing Daedalus Industries SOP to accent it, but the concern is noted and I'll bump it up on the priority list.

As for the application, I like your answers for the most part. I'll give my sign off on this, but I'll still give people the ability to post their own replies before I approve the application.

Thanks for applying.

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Re: Jedi Toothpaste's Admin Application

Post by gonenoculer5 » Wed May 17, 2023 12:04 am

Seeing as no one else has replied, your application is approved and you will be given admin sometime in the next week when I'm able to get around to procerssing it, as I'm quite busy currently.


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