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[Discoposting] What type of (blank) are you?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 1:55 pm
by yyzsong
Aka the Daedalus Dock synonym finding contest

The task: Make your own set of skills for your static, DE style. Note that I'm not talking about a build, I'm talking about the skills themselves - would a doctor need a skill like Visual Calculus, or would they have something like "Autopsy" instead. Writing small descriptions is not required, but effortposting is always appreciated (especially if you want to justify little renames).

For reference: DE's skills

I'll post my own sheet below too :D

Re: [Discoposting] What type of (blank) are you?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 1:57 pm
by yyzsong
Camryn Hynes, Chemist

Intellect - Comprehension (5), Textbook (6), Rhetoric (3), Improv (4), Conceptualization (3), Autopsy (7)

Psyche - Gimmick (3), Flavour (3), Reaction (4), Delegation (2), Rally (3), Persuade (3)

Physique - Vertical (5), Horizontal (4), Robust (6), Electrochemistry (3), Hackles (4), Quick-Draw (5)

Motorics - Hand/Eye Coordination (4), Perception (4), Latency (4), Flow (5), Interfacing (4), Composure (3)

Re: [Discoposting] What type of (blank) are you?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 4:47 pm
by Xerkie
Cherry Leuse, Physician

Intellect (2) - Logic (2), Erudition (4), Locution (2), Deception (3), Adaptability (2), Diagnosis (5)

Psyche (3) - Determination (5), Reason (3), Empathy (3), Jurisdiction (2), Esprit De Corps (4), Charisma (2)

Physique (4) - Endurance (6), Sufferance (5), Physical Instrument (6), Electrochemistry (6), Preternaturality (4), Hyperarousal (5)

Motorics (3) - Hand/Eye Coordination (6), Perception (4), Latency (5), Grace (3), Interfacing (3), Aplomb (5)

for fun, some descriptions of a few of the renames

Erudition - Your capacity to retain important knowledge. How much of your college classes you remember.

Good for: The book-smart, scholars, people who love to overexamine.

At high levels, Erudition will have you recalling the most minute of details relevant to any situation you find yourself in. While it's good to know what your job demands, it's not helpful to constantly second-guess yourself on the facts. With low levels of Erudition, though, you're not going to know anything beyond what's immediately relevant to you. Without knowing what "Deep-Vein Thrombosis" is, it's going to be hard to get around in the medical world.

Diagnosis - Know when something's gone wrong, and maybe how to fix it. Understand the situation, or correct it so that you can.

Good for: Medical practitioners, problem-fixers, people who want to do everything for everyone.

At high levels, Diagnosis will unravel every detail of a scene to you - in addition to guessing the malady afflicting any particular person (or scene), you'll be able to guess their blood-type, zodiac sign, blood sugar levels, and what brand of painkiller they took this morning, while a psycho merrily intrudes into your cranium with a lead pipe. However, at low levels, you won't know low blood sugar from dehydration - and can a doctor be trusted if they don't even know what their patients are suffering from?

Determination - Keep hanging on, even at the end. Force yourself through this.

Good for: The spiteful, those who never give up, the suicidal, people who refuse to stay down.

At high levels, Determination will keep forcing you through the horrors past the point where any normal man would have cut their losses - and you'll wish you were a normal man. How will you be able to help people when you refuse to be helped, yourself? Low levels of Determination, however, will leave you exhausted and ready to quit after even the most minute of setbacks. Nobody's going to want a doctor who quits after the first fork in the road.

Hyperarousal - Listen to your instincts. Don't you dare let your guard down.

Good for: The paranoid, people who never let anyone sneak up on them, doctors practicing preventative medicine, the fearful, the feared.

At high levels, Hyperarousal will keep you "tuned in" twenty-four seven - you'll never be able to sleep again, knowing that someone could be right around the corner. Was that little noise you heard just now a rat crawling by through maintenance, or a gas-masked serial killer ready to rip your intestines out and feed them to you? Is that security officer just putting her hands on her belt, or is she reaching for a gun? Is someone asking you about your life genuinely concerned, or do they want to hurt you? You'll always be ready for a fight, and you'll always be the one to swing first. However, at low levels, you have no immediate instinct to make it out alive, and you'll always be the third in line to start helping people when a crewman is in danger. Will a doctor who doesn't know when to dodge a fight or when to rush to save a victim ever be respected?

Aplomb - Don't let the situation get to you. You can do this.

Good for: The self-assured, people who don't crack under stress, doctors who can work in a disaster, the confident.

At high levels, Aplomb will make you an island, a lone survivor who can trust nobody and can always work on their own. You can never let people know you've made a mistake, because you aren't the one who fucked up - not this time, not ever. You'll constantly find situations to put yourself in to prove that you never break, and if you do, you will break hard. Low Aplomb, however, will have you breaking at the first sign of stress. You won't be able to work when the bodies start piling up, you won't be able to use the scalpel when the patient's life truly depends on you, and only you. Every doctor has a point at which they just can't take it anymore, when they shut down and when they can't help anybody else, and a physician who can't do their job isn't much use to anyone anymore.

Re: [Discoposting] What type of (blank) are you?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 5:25 pm
by yyzsong
Xerkie wrote: Sat Aug 12, 2023 4:47 pm for fun, some descriptions of a few of the renames
Nerd lol
Here's some of mine!

Comprehension - See the big picture. Refine it into comprehensible facts.
Good for: The literate, those taking orders, diagnosticians.

Comprehension allows you to wrap your head around the details and squeeze every logical conclusion out of them. It allows you to take stock of evidence, follow simple trails of logic, and construct your more advanced ones from the ether.

At high levels, you'll strive to go bigger and bigger, diving deep into every niggling detail. Your conversation was enlightening, but you can't help but wonder—does that conversation from three weeks ago have any bearing on this one? Do the subtle movements of his clothes, her hand to her hair—A coded message, perhaps, and one that must be factored into your train of logic. At too-low levels, however, and you'll fail to understand simple orders—not conducive to a job focused on making recipes.

Autopsy - Understand the human body. Know how to take it apart.
Good for: Surgeons, Detectives, Mass murderers.

Autopsy covers your knowledge of the human body and all its maladies. It enables you to track back what exactly caused what cut or slash, how fast the victim bled out, and where the other guy was standing. At the same time, you'll track even the living—Where to cut or slash to do the most damage, how all of their joints and ligaments fit together. At high levels, it's a reflex—a process constantly running in the back of your mind. It's important not to feel guilty about it. Everybody thinks about murdering their friends once in a while.

Reaction - Follow through on cause and effect. Insert yourself precisely.
Good for: Chemists, the intellectually empathetic, trick-shooters.

Reaction takes in information about other people, allowing you to gauge what causes what. How will she take the news about her husband? Where is that spall of shrapnel flying off to, and how long will it take your coworkers to break under the stress? At high levels, Reaction practically forces you to consider the effects of your actions, and your causes for doing so. Every action has an effect on the people around you, and knowing as much can keep you frozen in place, even when you know they're ultimately trivial. At low levels, however, you'll end up slighting everyone around you by accident.

Quick-Draw - Shoot first. Ask questions after.
Good for: The intolerant, doctors taking shotgun approaches, the hot to trot.

Quick-Draw measures your preparedness to hurt people, and allows you to prepare in general. It fills you with a sense of urgency and paranoia—urgency that lets you collect both what you need and what you don't need and paranoia that turns your mind towards applying it. At too-high levels, it'll have your fingers twitching, raring to go—someone's just angered you, and you have just what you need right on hand. After all, what's the point of grabbing all of this crap if you're never going to use it? At too low levels, you'll be unprepared for any situation—You'll use what's on your person right this moment and scramble to get what you need—and in an emergency, a doctor can't afford to rummage.

Jimmy Brickets

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:40 pm
by Toasterban
Logic[3] Encyclopedia[3] Rhetoric[3] Drama[2] Conceptualization[2] Visual Calculus[2]

Volition[4] Outward Grasps[3] Empathy[2] Authority[3] Espirit De Med[3] Suggestion[2]

Endurance[3] Pain Threshold[2] Physical Instrument[3] Neuron Insulation[5] Half Light[3]

Hand-Eye Coordination[3] Perception[3] Reaction Speed[4] Savoir Faire[3] Scalpel Handling[3] Composure[5]

Outward Grasps
Keep the truth true, don't end up in a psyche ward
Used by: Struggling RDS patients, Anyone on the edge

Outward Grasps is the opposite of Inland Empire, what happens when someone who wishes to be normal ends up with a disorder that completely and utterly prevents that, one that makes seeing the world as anyone else becomes a struggle with the very chemicals in your brain.

Espirit De Med
Connect to medbay, understand medical culture.
Used by: Doctors, EMTs and out-of-touch CMOs

The very spirit of being a doctor, and the ability to have fun with (or at the very least tolerate) your coworkers and understand their lingo and wordings.

Neuron Insulation
Resist addictions, Have restraint.
Used by: Recovering Drug addicts, People with souls bigger than they can handle

Neuron Insulation is the leash on the animal inside of you, the very thing that stops someone from accepting that offer of a cigarette, beer or other substance.

Scalpel Handling
Hold that scalpel steady. Put that needle right into the vein.
Used by: Doctors, Junkies, Junky Doctors

Scalpel Handling is a muscle-memory knowledge of the human body, both of yourself and your average human (and humanoid alien), from inside and out

Re: [Discoposting] What type of (blank) are you?

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2023 8:01 am
by Bambino
Reckon(6), Encyclopedia(2), Rhetoric(3), Drama(3), Conceptualization(4), Visual Calculus(5)
Volition(6), Inland Empire(4), Cher(4), Authority(4), Esprit De Corps(4), *Jive(7)
Endurance(2), Grit(2), Physical Instrument(2), Joie De Vivre(4), Shivers(2), Half-Light(2)
Hand/Eye Coordination(3), Perception(3), Reaction Speed(3), Savoir Faire(5), Interfacing(3), Poise(5)

Reckon: The ability to deduce or calculate. To use logic.

Cool for: Analysts, Logicians.

Reckon wants you to analyze a case until sundown, then sunrise. Piece evidence together, pick up on inconsistencies in statements. Impress people with your conclusions.

At high levels, solve even the most complex puzzles. Though, you’ll be proud and easily fall prey to intellectual flattery. Your head will be so focused in the clouds, that you’ll miss the most vital of clues. With low levels, you’ll have issues with solving even the most basic puzzles. Even if you were lucky enough to get all the pieces, good luck putting it all together.

Cher: Understand others. Empathize with the people you’re talking to.
Cool for: Interviewers, Interrogators, Therapists.

Use your pain to morph into others and see how they feel on the inside. Help heal their pain, by feeling it. Pick up on social cues others may miss: perhaps a hidden sadness you can coax out more. Count out their heartaches by the number, and add them to your long list of heartbreak.

High Cher makes puts you in another person’s shoes, but you’ll be highly unstable due to the emotional mess you’ve become. With low cher, you’ll be a beastly conversationalist who’ll be upsetting everyone.

Jive: Charm men and women. Worm your way into social circles.
Cool for: Diplomats, charmers, sociopath.

Jiving is your ability or approach to implant ideas into others. Make the crew/citizens like you more, talk a perp out of pointing their gun at you. Get yourself invited to eat shrimp with a group of gun-toting mercenaries and disarm them with just words.

At high levels, jiving makes you approachable, and you’re more resistant to their charms as well. However, you’ll be slimy and you’ll know it, even if nobody else knows it. Not just that, but you’ll be so distracted by your jiving you’ll take away from the initial reason why you were there to begin with. With low levels though, you’ll have difficulty building rapport with others.

Grit: Get through the pain. You’ll have to take more.
Cool for: Unstoppable Fighters, Gals who don’t die, Masochists

Grit is your ability to ignore damage so you can push on, bleeding through the water, to the bitterest end. It enables you to negate damage you would otherwise take. Even mental pain – heartache and loneliness. In fact, these things can become a thrill you seek out and perversely revel in.

At high levels, your Grit will turn on itself. Trying to destroy itself at every opportunity. At low levels, you wouldn’t even be able to take a hit from a Teshari.

Joie De Vivre: The joy of living. Enjoying the fruits of the party.

Cool for: Party-Enthusiasts

Joie is the animal inside you who wants to indulge herself and enjoy the “fruits of life.” She allows you to enjoy the party life with little consequence and allows you to better investigate lurid matters - if you need to investigate chemical breakdown, to talk to a person high out of their mind, or to understand sexual dynamics. Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez: Let the good times roll.

At high levels, Joie makes you an unrestrained woman of pleasure- who leers at people with a bottle of shine in one hand and some crystal in the other. At low levels, you’ll be too innocent to be useful.

Poise: Stand tall- Be composed.

Cool for: Sheriffs, Card Players, Cool people.

Poise is your ability to keep your head up, and not to crack. While you are an officer of the law, that doesn't mean you can’t look good while you do it. You know you look good in any outfit as long as you keep yourself together. Even if you have a scattergun pointed at your face.

At high levels, poise helps you keep your hair in check, and your back straight. Even while you’re sleeping late at night, you can never drop your poise at any moment. At low levels, you’ll be the first to crack. You wouldn’t even make an officer in the fashion police.